Studying with impairments

Studying with impairments - we support you

Do you have a chronic illness or disability and need support? Do you have questions, or are you stuck and simply need advice?

Our counsellor for students with impairments will help you organize your daily study routine successfully.

Counselling takes place in a protected, barrier-free room. You are welcome to visit the counselling service in someone's company.

Counselling is free of charge and is available by appointment.

Zu sehen sind zwei Hände, die eine Karte mit Brailleschrift halten.

Possible topics for consultation

We can advise you on the following topics, among others. Please note that this list is not complete. If you have any questions that you cannot find here, please contact us anyway. 

  • Benefits of the integration assistance SGB IX (Eingliederungshilfe SGB IX from 2020)
  • Questions on financing stays abroad for students with impairments
  • Study financing for international students with impairments
  • How do I secure additional funds for my studies or additional financing beyond livelihood?
  • Which cost unit covers which costs?
  • Care and assistance
  • Where can I inquire about scholarships?

How to get a personal consultation

Send us your request by e-mail to make an appointment: smb(at)

You can reach us by telephone Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.


Where does the consultation take place?

The personal consultations take place by appointment at the Lennéstr. 3 (in the foyer, barrier-free).


CIMND*-Department (Referat) against ableism of the AStA of the University of Bonn

The CIMND*-AStA Department offers contact and exchange opportunities at events and general advice for CIMND* students. CIMND* is an acronym for chronically and mentally ill, neurodivergent, disabled and deaf people.

Consultant for students with impairment

Simone Littau

Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 73 63 87
+49 228 73 63 88