Writing consultation

Ein Bleistift mutet an zu fliegen, da er auf einem Blatt Papier liegt, auf dem mit Bleistift Flügel aufgezeichnet sind.

+ + + News + + + Writing consultation paused until the end of April. Appointments will not be made until then. + + + 

Writing advice - because you can learn to write

Would you like to write your thesis efficiently and with pleasure? Do you want to professionalise your work strategies? Do you have any questions or just do not know what to do?

Our professional writing advice concentrates on your individual writing process and the structure of your text. In a personal consultation, you have the opportunity to ask your questions in peace and to get a text feedback that is independent of evaluation.

The goal of the consultation is to reduce eventual shortcomings and build up your resources. Targeted writing techniques and methods help you create a writing program that is specially tailored to your questions.

The consultation is free of charge and is aimed at students of all faculties.

Consultations are currently available on Mondays and Tuesdays between 9 am and 5 pm and on Wednesdays by telephone or Zoom between 9 am and 2 pm.

Ein Bleistift mutet an zu fliegen, da er auf einem Blatt Papier liegt, auf dem mit Bleistift Flügel aufgezeichnet sind.

Possible goals for a writing consultation

Recurring questions that are asked during the writing consultation concern e.g:

  • Topic finding and limitation,
  • Overcoming writer's block,
  • Scientific formulation,
  • Time management,
  • Efficient writing strategies,
  • Use of resources.

We will be talking about the following:

  • explaining the writing process and determining the writing phases,
  • developing strengths of the writer and reducing weaknesses,
  • determining the type of writing and offering suitable methods,
  • teaching writing strategies and writing techniques,
  • identifying the cause of writing problems,
  • giving text feedback.

The Writing Advisor

Katja Reinicke, M. A.

Our writing consultant Katja Reinicke is an author of an utb (german publishing house) guidebook for homework and final theses and assistant professor for academic writing. There's definitely no "writing problem" she hasn't encountered yet.

She studied Slavic studies and Art History at the University of Bonn and Biographical and Creative Writing at the Alice Salomon University in Berlin and works at various universities as well as educational institutions in Bonn, Koblenz and Düsseldorf.

Ms. Reinicke will help you solve your writing block and access your writing resources. She will give you tips, tricks and know-how for your home assignments and final papers.

How to get a personal consultation

Write an e-mail to schreibberatung(at)studierendenwerk-bonn(dot)de and tell us briefly about your concerns. You are welcome to make an appointment suggestion.

  • Possible appointment windows are Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 am to 5 pm and Wednesdays by phone or Zoom between 9 am and 2 pm
  • The duration of the counselling lasts approx. 60 - 90 minutes.
  • If necessary, you can arrange a follow-up appointment.
  • The writing consultation takes place in Lennéstraße 24 (2nd floor), 53113 Bonn.

Open writing counselling at the ULB

Counselling in the main library of the ULB (Adenauerallee)

Tips on structure, outline and writing process for term papers or theses 
You are welcome to bring your current notes to the consultation.
The service is free of charge and is aimed at students from all subject areas.

How?Spontaneous and without registration
Where?Lernraum+ (Study room) in the main library of the ULB, Adenauerallee 39-41, 53113 Bonn
When?Every 1st Monday of the month, 2 to 4 pm.

Next dates:

5. May 202515. September 2025
2. June 202520. October 2025
7. July 20253. November 2025
4. August 20251. December 2025