About us

Blick auf den Eingang der CAMPO in der Totalen. Zu sehen sind der markante rote Eingangsbereich mit den großen Lettern CAMPO Campusmensa Poppelsdorf und ein wunderschöner Baum, der gegenüber des Eingangs wächst. Er ist saftig grün. Der Himmel ist azurblau.

Studierendenwerk Bonn

Studierendenwerk Bonn employs around 400 employees at the Bonn, Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach locations and is a service provider for more than 45,000 students in the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg higher education area. We are partners of the University of Bonn and the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. We provide professional service from a single source and thus ensure equal opportunities, regarding gastronomy, affordable housing and childcare, student financing as well as advice on all aspects of studying.


Zu sehen ist der info.point mit der Kundentheke, an der zwei Studenten, ein Mann und eine Frau, stehen. Die Mitarbeiterin des info.points kommuniziert min ihnen. Im Hintergrund sieht man die Drehtür, den Eingang zur Mensa Nassestraße.


The info.point is located in the Lennéstraße 3. Our contact persons will be happy to advise and inform you if you have any questions:

  • finding a room,
  • needing a Mensa Card or want to have it blocked,
  • finding application forms, e.g. for the exemption from the broadcast contribution,
  • you have lost something,
  • you are new to the university and need guidance,
  • you don't know who to turn to,
  • you are a foreign student and have questions about studying in Germany.

We are happy to help you with your individual questions. Talk to us!



Do you have any questions about Studierendenwerk Bonn or our services? Would you like to shoot a TV report or a video with us? We are happy to provide you with comprehensive information and competent contacts. Please contact us!


Work at Studierendenwerk

Our clients are thirsty for knowledge and open-minded. In order to fulfil our wide range of services, we need people who see and experience their work as a meaningful task. In our opinion, economic and socially responsible acting belong together. This is why we combine the reliability of public services with modern, flexible services. Take a look at the diversity and dynamism of our working environment - and become part of an efficient team.


Zwei Studentinnen bezahlen in der Mensa CAMPO an der Kasse ihr Essen. Im Hintergrund zu sehen ist der große Speisesaal. Die Kassiererin tippt die Artikel in die Kasse ein. Sie sieht konzentriert und freundlich aus.

TILLMANN’s Catering & Events

Draufsicht auf einige Koch- und Gewürzzutaten, aufgenommen auf dunklem Steingrund. Dort ist auch ein "T" für "Tillmann's" eingraviert.

Room rental

Are you looking for a room for a course, a workshop or a larger event with up to 800 guests? Studierendenwerk Bonn offers conference rooms for up to 50 people. For larger events, you can rent a hall in one of our canteens.


Sustainability - Partner of Sustainable Bonn

Studierendenwerk Bonn has been certified as a ‘Partner of Sustainable Bonn’ several times since 2011. Our aim is to gradually establish an environmental and energy management system and to operate in a climate-neutral manner from 2030.

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Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz)

Studierendenwerk Bonn has set up an internal reporting office for the anonymous reporting of possible violations of laws and regulations. Not only employees of the Studierendenwerk, but also students, our business partners, their employees and other third parties can turn to this contact address in confidence.



Here you can find all available documents for download on this website at one glance: from application forms, brochures to the current annual report.


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