Counselling & Social Affairs

Psychological counselling centre

During their studies, many students are confronted with problems and conflicting situations they can not cope with on their own. There can be various reasons for this, such as study-related topics, social conflicts or psychological stress.

Are you or a fellow student affected? Then please visit our psychological counselling. Here you will be professionally looked after by a team of psychologists with extensive experience in counselling, clinical psychology and with a psychotherapeutic background.


Eine menschliche Gestalt geht auf einem von grüner Wiese umsäumtem Weg, der in mehrere Abzweigungen mündet. Zwei Häuser werfen lange Schatten, die aufgrund ihrer spitzen Dächer wie Pfeile aussehen und der Gestalt den Weg weisen.

Writing consultation

Fünf Bleistifte liegen nebeneinander, nach ihrer Länge von lang bis kurz sortiert. Über den kurzen Bleistiften liegen Spanabfall und Minenstaub. Beim kürzesten am meisten.

Many of us have experienced this situation – you have to write a thesis and simply do not know where and how to start. Our individual and personal writing consultation can help! This service is aimed at all students with questions about scientific writing.

The guiding principle of our consultation at Studierendenwerk Bonn is recognising that academic and scientific writing and thinking can be learned. It is a process in which we would like to support you.


Studying with impairments

We want to support prospective students and students with a chronic illness or disability in finding a way to organize their daily study life successfully.

Our consultation includes clarification of the social and economic situation, and appropriate financing strategies, information on finding accommodation and all questions you may have on this subject. 




"Freitisch" - what is that?

„Freitisch“ translates to „Free table“ and means in a nutshell: free food for students in particular need or in distress. The aim was and is to help in an uncomplicated way.

The concept and the institution of the "Freitisch" are quite old. As early as the 1920s, there was a free lunch for particularly needy students in Bonn, the "Freitisch". At that time, it was organised by the Studentenwohl association, which is what the Studierendenwerk Bonn used to be called.

Freitisch for students of the University of Bonn in cases of social hardship

In 2016, we launched the "Freitisch" and established it for the first time in a cooperation with the AStA of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn to support students of the University of Bonn in cases of social hardship. The Freitisch simply pursues the goal of avoiding hunger and thus maintaining the ability to study. Due to the current pandemic situation, we have adjusted the admission criteria.

Freitisch for students of the University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS)

In the summer of 2021, the Studierendenwerk concluded a corresponding agreement with the AStA of the University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS).

Find out here who and how to apply for the Freitsich.


Financial start-up aid for first semester students

The first deposit is pressing? The semester fee is due?

Together with the AStA of the University of Bonn, the Studierendenwerk Bonn supports first-year students in social need with financial start-up assistance. The support includes financing the semester fee of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität for the semester of the first enrolment.


Diaper Money

You are mastering your studies with a child and are in financial need?

Together with the AStA of the University of Bonn, the Studierendenwerk Bonn supports students with a child or several children under the age of six. If it is difficult to cover the running costs for the child, such as baby equipment or everyday needs, students can apply for the so-called Diaper Money.


Compulsory accident insurance for students

Students at a state-recognised or private university, college or university of applied sciences are insured against accidents with the Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen. Accidents that occur during your studies must be reported there.

Flyer "Compulsory accident insurance cover at universities" (German)
