
Zwei Studierende, eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen an einem Tisch im Flur des Amtes für Ausbildungsförderung. Hinter Ihnen an der Wand hängt der Wegweiser des BAföG: Dort kann man seine Sachbearbeiterin oder -bearbeiter je nach Anfangsbuchstaben finden.

BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act)

BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act) is a financial aid. Non-Germans are also entitled to BAföG payments. As a rule, foreigners who have prospects of remaining in Germany and are already integrated in society are entitled to support. As the legal regulations are very complex, it is advisable to contact our BAföG-offices at an early stage.


If you are looking for a job, you might want to check out our job exchange. If you'd like to find out more about what you need to know to get a job, we've put together some helpful links for you.

If you are interested in scholarships or loans, please contact your university or the German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD. They are the experts in these fields. We have linked the DAAD and other helpful sites below. the job fair

International Matters and Culture

Our service point for international matters could also be very helpful for you, if you are looking for information on jobbing in Germany. 

... International Matters and Culture

Insurance before enrollment

Health insurance before studies begin

Whoever takes part in a language course in preparation for their studies cannot get health insurance from a public health fund. In this case you must opt for private health insurance. Once the language course has been completed students who are younger than 30 can change to the public health insurance for the duration of their studies.

The regulations for preparatory colleges vary. The best thing to do is to contact the preparatory college of the university where you would like to study later on. 

The Deutsche Studierendenwerk has made a general agreement with the UNION Versicherungsdienst GmbH for students participating in language courses. 

Tariff overview
  Vela Optimal Vela Basic
1.-12. Months 78,00 EUR 34,50 EUR
13.-60. Months 78,00 EUR 60,00 EUR

If you are staying for a longer period, the "VELA optimal" tariff is recommended. This offers comprehensive health insurance including vaccinations and preventive medical checkups. The tariff "VELA basic" offers only limited services and is more suitable for exchange students who are only staying one or two terms in Germany. It is especially good value for money in the first twelve months; however as of the 13th month the contributions for the basic tariff increase.

Please note:

The tariff "VELA Light" listed on the Vela website is not part of the general agreement of the Deutsche Studentenwerk with UNION Versicherungsdienst GmbH. Hence, we would like to point out that we do not recommend this tariff.


More information:

VELA - a brand of UNION Versicherungsdienst GmbH

Ecclesiastr. 1-4

D- 32758 Detmold

Customer service: 0800 603-6039 (Germany)
Customer service: +49 5231 603-6390 (international)
E-mail: info(at)

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