
Blick auf den Eingang der CAMPO in der Totalen. Zu sehen sind der markante rote Eingangsbereich mit den großen Lettern CAMPO Campusmensa Poppelsdorf und ein wunderschöner Baum, der gegenüber des Eingangs wächst. Er ist saftig grün. Der Himmel ist azurblau.


The info.point is located in the Lennéstraße 3. Our contact persons will be happy to advise and inform you if you have any questions:

  • finding a room,
  • needing a Mensa Card or want to have it blocked,
  • finding application forms, e.g. for the exemption from the broadcast contribution,
  • you have lost something,
  • you are new to the university and need guidance,
  • you don't know who to turn to,
  • you are a foreign student and have questions about studying in Germany.

We are happy to help you with your individual questions. Talk to us!

Contact persons

Simone Littau

Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 73 63 87
+49 228 73 63 88
Victor Alonso Rodriguez
Victor Alonso Rodriguez

Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 73 848 25
+49 228 73 63 88

Opening hours

Monday - Friday  9 a.m. - 2:00 pm