Kindertageseinrichtung Auf dem Hügel

The daycare centre Auf dem Hügel is located in the immediate vicinity of the Endenich natural science campus. Built in cooperation with the University of Bonn, it was completed in August 2014.

For whom?

The places for children under the age of three are allocated by a committee of the University of Bonn to, among others, junior scientists. The places for children over the age of 3 are allocated to employees of the university, students and citizens of Bonn, if the place capacity is available. A Bonn residence is a prerequisite for all places.

The Kita at a glance

Size of the facility

We look after a total of 50 children from the age of four months until school enrolment. Due to the open concept of the Kita, the mixed-in-age children are cared for and supported for 45 hours per week.



Kita Auf dem Hügel
Auf dem Hügel 18
53121 Bonn-Endenich


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Uhr

Closing times

The institution is closed for three weeks during the semester holidays in the summer and between Christmas and New Year. Both closing times are extended by concept development days for the team.


The admission procedure

Family Office of the Univerity of Bonn

Registration is handled online via the Family Office of the University of Bonn

Reservation through KITA-NET Bonn (via youth welfare office)

We would also like to ask you to have your child registered in your desired facility via the Kindergarten Information System of the City of Bonn (KITA-NET). You can find out more here.

Youth Welfare Office

Parental contributions are levied for the care of children in a city-sponsored day-care center in Bonn. The basis for this is the parent contribution rate valid in the city of Bonn. You can find out more at the youth welfare office of the city of Bonn.

Family Office of the University of Bonn

Please note that children under the age of three can only be enrolled through the University's Family Office.

The admission criteria

We admit children of young scientists and employees of the University of Bonn as well as of students and citizens of Bonn.


Contact the Kita

Gabriele Zaun

Educator, Head of the Institution

Auf dem Hügel 18
53121 Bonn

+49 228 73 4017

Contact the provider

Frances Peters

Head of Department of Child Daycare Centres & Head of Kita Newmanhaus

Adenauerallee 63
53113 Bonn

+49 228 73 848 23
+49 228 73 848 19
Guido Rick

Head of Department of Child Daycare Centres

Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 73 7120

Subsidised air-conditioning

Subsidised air-conditioning by the The Ministry of Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia: 

To reduce the risk of infection, we equip our daycare centre with corona-compliant, mobile ventilation systems.

Further Information