Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz)

Blick auf den Eingang der CAMPO in der Totalen. Zu sehen sind der markante rote Eingangsbereich mit den großen Lettern CAMPO Campusmensa Poppelsdorf und ein wunderschöner Baum, der gegenüber des Eingangs wächst. Er ist saftig grün. Der Himmel ist azurblau.

Studierendenwerk Bonn has set up an internal reporting office for the anonymous reporting of possible violations of laws and regulations. Not only employees of the Studierendenwerk, but also students, our business partners, their employees and other third parties can turn to this contact address in confidence.

You can report possible cases of corruption, fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, breaches of public procurement law, insider trading, data protection breaches or other offences by telephone or e-mail.

You have the right and the option to submit your report anonymously and to remain anonymous throughout the entire procedure, insofar as this is permitted by law.

Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (Whistleblower Protection Act: Act for better protection of whistleblowers)


Internal reporting centre for whistleblowers

By telephone

Christiane Breternitz: +49 (175) 9218853

Bettina Laubereau +49 (151) 74420333




Studierendenwerk Bonn
Interne Meldestelle für Hinweisgeber
Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn

External reporting centre for whistleblowers

As a second, equivalent option for submitting information, you can also use an external reporting centre. This is located at the Federal Office of Justice. You are free to decide whether to report to your company's internal reporting office or to use the external reporting office. You can find the responsibilities of the reporting centres here.